Sunday, November 15, 2009

Prevent Diseases Before It Is Too LateBeing

Being healthy means you feel good physically, mentally and emotionally. According to WHO (World Health Organization), "Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. To enjoy life, you need to be healthy. However, having a body free of disease or infirmity is the backbone of well-being. While medical sciences have made huge progress in the recent years, the best way to conserve your health was, is, and will always be prevention of diseases.

It is 10 times easier to stay healthy than become healthy. It may sound strong, but it is as true as your existence. Your body is better prepared to fight pathogenic attacks than getting rid of them once a disease is installed. Now, the interesting question is how to prevent disease in a world where nature itself is a carrier of pollution. Although there are specific prevention methods for each disease, there are precaution measures you can take to prevent most diseases that ravage humanity today:

Happiness - besides premature wrinkles and social disadvantages, bad mood can cause major health problems. According to many medical studies, good mood can reduce the level of cortisol and other substance responsible for stress and certain diseases such heart disease and cancer.

Cortisol is often known as "stress hormone". Chronic high level in your blood can contribute to high blood pressure, abdominal fat, weakened immune system, suppressed thyroid function, decrease in muscle tissue, and other health problems. So, if you want to prevent diseases and premature aging, be optimist, have fun, laugh with your friends, have regular sexual intercourse, and everything that can increase your joy.

Sleep well - For many, sleep is considered as a waste of time. Yet it is certain that sleep has a function of energy recovery that occurs primarily during deep or uninterrupted sleep. Sleep is involved in growth, brain maturation, development and preservation of human cognitive capacities. Similarly, lack of sleep can leads to diseases such as hypertension, diabetes, irritability, stress, respiratory and cardiovascular disorders, anxiety and depression. In addition, lack of sleep is often responsible for road accidents

Exercise - physical inactivity is your enemy. Your body is "use it or lose it." Physical exercise is the best way to prevent disease and maintain your youth. At least three times a week, walk for 30-45 minutes. It cannot only help you keep a regular weight, but also makes you feel strong. In addition, regular exercise is the best way to prevent high cholesterol and cardiovascular problems.

Avoid alcohol - Alcohol, consumed in moderation, has no long term impact on most consumers. However, alcohol abuse can have harmful effects on your mind and body. Alcohol can damage the liver, pancreas and stomach. Heavy consumption of alcohol can destroy brain cells. In pregnant women, alcohol can cause physical or mental problems in the fetus. In men, it can cause sexual impotence.

Healthy diet - A healthy diet is essential to maintain your health and a normal weight. However, unlike what many believe, eating well does not mean abandoning all tasty foods, or give up on all foods you like; it is, instead, choosing a variety of foods from all groups such as fruits, vegetables, grains, unsaturated fats, soy products, etc. consume abundantly grain products, vegetables and fruits. Eat mostly foods low in fat. Adopting such as diet can improve your health or prevent a variety of illnesses.

Avoid smoking - The effects of smoking on health and quality of life are explained extensively in the United States and many other countries around the world so that every smoker can know the risks they take. For years, the effects of cigarette smoke surreptitiously carried on certain organs of your bodies. Smokers think it's cool when they are smoking while month after month, year after year, it destroys their body. Big smoker or not, you are not immune to adverse effects of tobacco on your health. Five most common effects of tobacco include:

Cancer : Smoking increases the risk of developing all types of cancer; however, it is the number one factor for digestive tract cancer, bladder, lungs, tongue, and throat. 85% of lung cancer and 50% of bladder cancers are linked to smoking.

Cardiovascular disease : smoking increases the risk factors of cardiovascular disease: myocardial infarction, hypertension, venous thrombosis, arthritis of the lower limbs, stroke, etc..

Skin disorders: smoking destroys the elastic fibers of the skin causing the appearance of wrinkles (premature), less bright complexion, and even sometimes itching.

Asthma and chronic bronchitis : Smoking increases the risk of developing asthma and chronic bronchitis in children as in adults. You do not need to smoke to become a victim of these conditions; being regularly exposed to cigarette smoke is enough to cause tobacco-related Illnesses in your life.

Allergies : Smoking, including second hand smoke, is irritating; prolonged exposure can lead to rhinitis and allergic conjunctivitis in some people.

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